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Identity Design

Dancing Queens or Queens is India's first transgender dance troupe. In a country that marginalises the transgender community to the extent that they are pushed towards prostitution and begging, these thirty have shown the world they can reclaim a position in society with dance and rehabilitation. Inspired from the iconography of Nataraja, the Hindu god of dance and as a direct satire of the 'Indian transgender clap', the identity talks about protection and rehabilitation through a mudra or dance step.

Guided by Dirk Behage at École Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, during Exchange Semester 2018.

Queens Visual Website Stuff-44.jpg
Queens Visual Website Stuff-45.jpg
Queens Visual Website Stuff-28-28.jpg

Tickets for the performance by the artists.

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Queens Visual Identity-15.png
Copyright © 2024 | Sharan Adka
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