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System Design | UX

In India, there exists a lack of unified emergency service system that is reliable and holistic to not only help but inform people about dangers and methods of dealing with emergencies. The project began as an exercise to plot the steps of an interface that could help in such an emergency. This exercise went further and added various complementary interventions that attempted to go beyond just an interface to declare emergencies but also to educate, connect, record and inspire. The Emergency App tries to integrate this in the Indian context into a single app. The design follows the Apple iOS UI guidelines.

Design Question:
How can one create an interface for streamlining emergency services?
2 weeks

Guided by Bhaumik Nagar at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad in 2019.

Emergency App Behance-01.jpg
Interface Process Flowchart
Emergency App Behance-06.jpg
Click on the process flowchart above to view it better.
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Emergency App Behance-09.jpg
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Emergency App Behance-16.jpg
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